Sunday, February 14, 2010

Mis(s)Adventure 不定期連載之七:明知山有虎

於是某日收工後與友人 happy hour,企圖掃走不快情緒。酒過三巡,聽了朋友的意見、分析,以及逗我開心的笑話,心情已經好了點。亦是時候回家了。
怎料 ... ...
然而,明知山有虎。那夜跟他談了一會,又令我 ... ...

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Mis(s)Aventure, trial and tribulation 6: une aventure la plus conne

I’ve been waiting for that day. We have planned to go to this show for a couple of months now. At first he’s not even sure if he’ll be able to make it but one thing led to another, we’re all set… 
We were supposed to meet up and have dinner before going. I was getting ready when I got his text. “Don’t think I’ll have dinner. Sorry. Let’s meet at 7.15”. 
Actually I’ve sensed that he’s keeping a distance (again) for a couple of weeks already. 
On the train ride, feeling lonely and sad, I kept silent and was lost in my thoughts. He stroked my arm gently. Suddenly I remembered I have this mole on my arm. Curiously, it’s in the shape of Australia. It has faded with time and you can hardly see it now. I almost forgot about this totally. 
Is it time for our MissAdventure to fade out? 
p.s. sorry there’s no punch line in this edition of Mis(s)Adventure. Just not in the right mood today…

Friday, February 5, 2010

The birth of Mis(s)Adventure

Lately I’ve been feeling the blues which isn’t very me. So a dear friend J said I should try and do something fun, something I enjoy so I could keep my mind off the things and persons that don’t really deserve all my time and energy.
The two of us talked about a million things and suddenly J said, “Why don’t you write something?”
“Well, writing is part of my job. I don’t always find it inspiring or interesting...”
“But you got all these funny stories about those crazy people you see.”
That’s true though. In fact some of these silly encounters were already in my other blog.
Mis(s)Adventure 不定期連載之一:一般見識
Mis(s)Adventure 不定期連載之二:一個電話 | Mis(s)Adventure, trial and tribulation 2: a phone call
Mis(s)Adventure 不定期連載之三: What have I done to deserve this
Mis(s)Adventure 不定期連載之四: Why are you speaking in Mandarin?
Mis(s)Adventure 不定期連載之五:新年快樂 | Mis(s)Adventure, trial and tribulation 5: Happy New Year
And now it seems the right time to give more space to Mis(s)Adventure.
P.S. This is also a good excuse for me to go out party more often ;p