Tuesday, February 3, 2015




週五晚上的中環,我們都知道的士難求。在酒店門口等了一會便知無運行。正準備行到畢打街的士站排隊,看見有輛「冚旗」的士駛至,同行的兩位九龍人立即截停開門上車,點知... ... 司機聽到目的地是紅磡,便拒載。朋友們於是問他去不去柴灣,以為可以把車「讓」給住在港島東的S和我。怎料再次被司機拒絕。朋友們唯有下車。



咦,突然又有一架「冚旗」的士出現。S立時一支箭鏢出去,不,是跨過行人路上那足有一米多高的欄杆,然後問司機去不去柴灣。說時遲那時快,她向我點頭示意,就在那電光火石之間,我需要即時起動。然而只有五呎三的我,面對去到我腰的欄杆,實在有點淆底。與此同時,S已上了車,而正在排長龍的其他夜歸人同聲起哄,於是... ... 「死就死啦!」然後就這樣奇蹟地跨過了。




Friday, August 1, 2014

食cold cut等睇戲


在我們飲緊second round、食緊美味cold cuts的時候,無喇喇有對外籍男女突然從餐廳內走到近門口位置的吧枱坐下。他們手上既沒有任何飲品食品,也不像是將要落order的樣子。他們就這樣坐著,面上毫無表情,實在有點奇怪。不過我和朋友也沒有多大理會,繼續吹水。







不單只我們對那二人鄙視,鄰桌的客人也一樣。其中一位男士忍不住對他們說:「Very classy!」當然,那面皮極厚的霸王二人組就像沒聽到一樣。

最後,自然是邪不能勝正,那兩位食唔成霸王餐,還是乖乖的去付錢。But that’s not the end of the story. 那女的臨走前還要特登拍下餐廳門口的照片,簡直係跌落地嗱番渣沙最佳示範。


Saturday, July 23, 2011

Mis(s)Adventure, Trial and Tribulation 19: Good idea, stolen

About two years ago, I had this idea of having a “survival kit” in the office as a remedy for situations like going straight to work from a drinking marathon, or, the dreadful walk of shame. The kit would contain mouth wash, all the necessary cosmetics, a fresh panty and the like. The idea is to help me get through the day easier, avoiding everyone in the office giving me the I-know-what-you-did-last-night look.  

The survival kit never came to fruition as I couldn’t be bothered and more importantly, my needs to having it slowly became less.

Until a few days ago, this idea came back to me. And so I Googled a bit and albeit half-expected, I was disappointed to find that someone else already did it.

Well, maybe I should do my own brand and sell it.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Mis(s)Adventure 不定期連載之十八:中女夜遊



然後 … …




「係呀,好攰,要返屋企喇。Bye bye。」

Bye bye。」





Mis(s)Adventure, Trial and Tribulation 17: You are vely lomantic

My good friend Ms A thinks I’m a romantic person. I’d like to agree with her. But there are times when I’m a kill joy too.

While I happily do stupid (yeah, very often that’s equivalent to romantic) things to people I love. But then sometimes my pride and sensibilities would stop me from letting romantic things happen.

Last time I refused a gentlemanly offer of a piggy back - only to regret it right away.

Something similar happened a few nights ago.

He decided he needed a quiet night and so we just had dinner at his place and then watched TV. Much later, we both got bored and went up to the roof for some fresh air. There, standing by the railing under the moonlight, looking over the quiet streets, he said something that should have been quite cute and romantic. The next thing I know, I just totally ruined it by shooting a “don’t be silly” at him. Again, I regretted it immediately. 

The rest of the evening passed unceremoniously.

I woke up the next morning, wondering if I’ll ever learn a lesson.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Mis(s)Adventure, trial and tribulation 16: What? Piggyback?

One fine day. Three ladies and a gentleman were enjoying a leisurely lunch, chatting the afternoon away.

Then they saw the guy at the next table playing with his daughter and giving her a piggyback.

“Wouldn’t it be nice if a guy does that with me?” G said.

Everyone just laughed and went, “What? I didn’t know you’re into acrobats!”

Keeping his cool, G said, “Don’t you find it very intimate? I mean, how often do you get people offering you a piggyback?”

While my two girls K and L were still laughing their heads off, I went quiet.

“In fact, someone did. But I didn’t let him.”

***        ***        ***

It was about one or two years ago.

We were going to a concert. I even had the time and patience to go shopping that afternoon, thinking to get a rock chic look for the night. Back home, got changed and happily went out in my new look. I regretted my choice of outfits ten minutes after I left home though. How could I be standing all night in these 4-inch heels?

That was the same question he asked when he saw me.

But then I tried to be so cool and said it’s fine, I’m used to it.

When the concert was over, we headed to Central for drinks. My feet were killing me and I was hungry by then but still I tried very hard not to show it.

In the end, I told him I was really tired and asked him not to walk so fast. He didn’t say a word but slowed down a bit. Then as we approached the steps, he turned back and said something. I couldn’t hear him and asked, “What’s up?”

“Want me to give you a piggyback?”

At the time I thought it’s way too weird and said, “Nah, I’m fine. We’re almost there anyway.”

***        ***        ***

At this point, K and G said with a cunning smile, “Aren’t you regretting not saying yes?”

Needless to say…

Mis(s)Adventure 不定期連載之十六:咩呀?孭你好冇?







***        ***        ***


我們約好去看concert。那個下午我還有閒情逸致去shopping,準備以rock chic姿態去看show。回家變身然後興奮出門與他會合。怎料還未到達,便已後悔,我怎能穿著這對四吋多的鞋站一整晚呢?







***        ***        ***

